Doctors in Vienna / Treatment in Vienna

Request for further information about The clinics and medical treatment in Vienna using our Whatsapp and Viber number.
+49 176 738 762 53
Our goal is to contact you within a business day to review your medical and financial information.

Medical treatment in Vienna is known for its high quality and efficiency. The analysis company GermanMedicalGroup offers the best possible service in communication and organization to design the treatment of foreign patients in Vienna. Foreign patients no longer have to navigate the internet in the abundance of information offers. With our support, those who are interested can quickly find the right kind of medical treatment and the necessary experts for themselves.

Our ultimate goal is to provide objective information about treatment in Vienna clinics. We therefore hope that our services will help you choose the optimal medical care in Vienna.

We cordially invite you to have a look at the presentations, to get to know the Viennese doctors and clinicians and their services, and to choose the most suitable option.

You can find the following departments for medical treatment in Vienna.

TOP-Dentistry services

Pediatric and neuro-orthopedic diseases offered by our orthopedic experts in Vienna

  • Hip dysplasia and hip dislocation
  • Foot deformities or foot deformities
  • AMC (Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita)
  • Congenital malformations of the arms and legs
  • Spina bifida (MMC)
  • Infantile cerebral palsy
  • Skeletal dysplasias
  • Leg malalignment
  • Stunted growth
  • Metabolic diseases of the bone skeleton
  • Chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., Down syndrome)
  • Tibial nonunion
  • Muscular dystrophies and muscle atrophy
  • Birth-induced plexus paralysis of the arm
  • Paralysis due to injury or surgery
  • Morbus Perthes
  • Symmetry disorders
  • Plagiocephalus, brachycephalus, cranial deformities
  • Scoliosis, kyphosis
  • Neuropathies

Adult orthopedics offered by our experts in Vienna

Orthopedic treatments - conservative:

  • Orthotic and orthopedic treatment and control, torso and head hoe, wheelchair care, seat shells, positioning aids, walking aids
  • Therapeutic local anesthesia, spinal infiltrations for pain therapy, neural therapy
  • Neuro-orthopedic botulinum toxin treatment

Orthopedic Treatments - Operative:

  • Foot and hand surgery,
  • Minimally invasive surgery of the large joints (arthroscopy),
  • Endoprosthetics of the hip, knee, shoulder and elbow
  • Spine surgery
  • Neuro-orthopedic surgery

General and visceral surgery in Vienna

Plastic Surgery


  • Dermotology diseases
  • Acne Treatment
  • Eczema Treatment
  • Psoriasis Treatment
  • Lupus Erythematosus
  • Ichthyosis Treatment
  • Scleroderma Treatment


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