All you need to now about Neurology
On our website you will find many German clinics where experts in diagnostics and therapy of neurological diseases work hand in glove. Do you or your relatives suffer from chronic headaches, sleep disorders, convulsive seizures, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, stroke or Alzheimer's disease and you are looking for an experienced neurologist? On our website you will find certified German specialists who have earned international recognition.
Main areas of neurology
Neurology in Germany as a science can be splitted into several departments:
- general neurology in Germany (deals with treatment of neuroimmunological diseases, oncology, stroke and rehabilitation after a stroke);
- epileptology (deals with diagnostic and treatment of headaches, neuromuscular diseases, epilepsy);
- cognitive neurology in Germany (works with patient having disturbances of vestibular system, dizziness);
- special area of neurology in Germany studies and treats neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease.
Range of diseases
Neurology in Germany carries on qualified treatment of following diseases
- dizziness and headaches;
- insomnia;
- Parkinson's disease;
- stroke;
- blood vessel diseases;
- depression;
- diseases of peripheral neural system;
- brain tumors;
- old age dementia;
- inflammatory diseases;
- senile dementia and weakened attention.
Preventive examinations of the central and peripheral neural systems are also carried out.
Neurology specialist / neurologist
Neurology covers the structure, functionality and organic diseases of the neural system including musculature. A neurologist specializes in diagnostics and treatment of disturbances of functioning of brain and spinal cord, sensory organs, peripheral neural system and musculature.
Together with surgical skills a neurologist possesses knowledge in the field of diagnostic methods as well as treatment of different types of clinical cases. Nowadays neurology in Germany is one of the leading medical disciplines. Neurology in Germany is designed to reveal the reasons of neurological diseases, develop possible methods of diagnostics and treatment.
Methods of diagnostics
Neurology in Germany uses both traditional and new modern methods of diagnostics which include:
Duplex scanning
It is a method of diagnostics that combines Doppler sonography and ultrasound. It is used to diagnose blood vessel diseases. Thanks to the duplex scanning doctor can not only observe the blood flow but the blood vessel structure. This is a completely safe and non-invasive, but at the same time fast and simple method.
This method of neurology in Germany is used to investigate brain activity as a response to certain stimuli. It is used for epilepsy and focal brain damages. With the help of electroencephalography it is also possible to control the efficacy of narcosis and depth of coma.
This method of diagnostic in the area of neurology in Germany can be considered minimally invasive as it requires a needle electrode to be placed into the muscle. An electric charge that goes through the muscle is recorded by a oscilloscope. This method is used to investigate neuromuscular diseases.
Lumbar puncture
This method of diagnostic in the area of neurology in Germany suggests that some of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) will be collected for diagnostic testing as it sometimes changes its properties in some diseases. The puncture is taken from the patient who is lying on the side, the legs need to be pulled to the stomach and the head inclined. The place of insertion is carefully treated with alcohol and iodine. Usually this diagnostic method of neurology in Germany is performed under anesthesia but in case of advanced symptomatic one has to perform it without narcosis. When diagnostic is performed the patient should lie horizontally for two hours.
It is quite a widespread method, used not only in neurology in Germany. With its help it is possible to get the layered images of the spinal cord, brain, and spine. This method allows one to diagnose aneurysm, tumors, trauma damages and hematomas.
Computed tomography
Thank to the use of contrast agents this method in the field of neurology in Germany allows to get layer images of the brain and spinal cord. This diagnostic method is especially effective in hematomas, tumors, infectious diseases, traumas, and cysts.
Using this method one can obtain the images of subarachnoid space of the spinal cord. Contrast agents are used in myelography. It is a minimally invasive method of diagnostic in the field of neurology in Germany that allows doctors to diagnose hernias and ruptures of spinal discs, abscesses, tumors, compression of the brain roots, etc.
As diagnostic methods the neurology in Germany uses the measurement of speed of neural impulses and neuropsychological tests.
Neurological methods of treatment
Neurology in Germany offers following treatment methods of neurological diseases:
- Drug therapy. It suggests the intake of medications that influence the central and peripheral neural system. Usually they fill up the shortage of dopamin, the substance that is necessary for normal functioning of neural system. This method is effective in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, epilepsy.
- Physiotherapy. These methods in the field of neurology in Germany are used for rehabilitation and as a part of a complex treatment. These include massage, exercises, manual therapy, acupuncture. Physiotherapy procedures allow to improve the blood flow, to restore the lost functions, to extend the range of motions, spine flexibility, etc.
- Surgical intervention. If all listed above methods in the field of neurology in Germany were ineffective the doctors may find it necessary to perform a surgery. Neurosurgery includes three types of surgical interventions:
- microsurgical;
- stereotactic (irradiating tumors in oncology treatment);
- endoscopic (operations, performed with an endoscope that is pulled in through a specially created opening).
If you are interested in particular methods of diagnostics and treatment in the field of neurology in Germany you can choose a clinic and get in touch with us to perform treatment and rehabilitation.