Diagnostic Investigation

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Diagnostic imaging, also called medical imaging, the use of electromagnetic radiation and certain other technologies to produce images of internal structures of the body for the purpose of accurate diagnosis. 2020-03-11 Diagnostic Investigation
All you need to now about Diagnostic Investigation
Diagnostics in Germany

Diagnostics in Germany is an area of medicine that applies various visualization, functional, hardware and laboratory methods for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Radiology: radiological diagnostics in Germany

Alongside with X-ray beams modern radiology applies ionizing radiation. Imaging diagnostics that doesn’t imply the use of ionizing radiation (sonography, magnetic resonance imaging) also belongs to radiology. Radiology put minimal stress on the body. It is highly sensitive to the individual patient’s peculiarities. All kinds of imaging diagnostics are offered in German centers including projection X-ray filming and different layer-by-layer imaging types, such as CT, sonography, MRI.

X-ray diagnostics is examination of organs and tissues with the aim of X-radiation. Conventional X-ray diagnostics (bidimensional X-ray imaging) is still one of the major methods used today. However modern roentgenology implies using other types of radiation, such as high-frequency waves, magnetic field, etc. Highly important X-ray diagnostic tests made in German centers include:

Computer tomography (CT) provides layer-by-layer imaging of the analyzed area. CT is used to get the images of small objects like ear bones. In order to minimize the dosage of harmful radiation and reduce the image blur, a multi-line-scan technology is used. Similar to other imaging diagnostics in German centers CT is also used for managing medical interventions, such as biopsy and other invasive procedures.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also serves for getting layer-by-layer images, but it uses strong magnetic field and radio waves. In German medical centers MRI is used for the diagnostics of soft tissues, including brain, liver, kidneys, joints and spine. MRI allows performing non-invasive visualization of vessels (MR-angiography). Functional MRI is one of the newest methods for measuring activity of different brain areas. It is actively applied in German centers.

Sonography implies using ultrasonic waves. It is fully safe for the body. Doctors use ultrasonic diagnostics for checking organs in the abdominal cavity, neck (including the thyroid gland), breast, joints and vessels. Special kind of sonography, Color Doppler Imaging, allows detecting the blood flow direction and intensity.

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine method with the use of low-radioactive isotopes that allows tracking metabolic processes in the body. As a rule Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is used as a radioactive marker. It is a radioactive sugar solution that is injected into the vein. It is collected in the places with high metabolism (for instance, in malignant tumors).

PET/CT is a combination of functionally biochemical (PET) and morphologic (CT) visualization. PET/CT is one of the newest methods of getting visual information in diagnostics. It helps to diagnose tumors on early stages, detect their localization and control the results of therapy.

Prices for Check up diagnostics in German medical centers

The diagnostic procedures can last from 2 hours to 3 days depending on the required program. The minimal price is 495 Euro. Complex body diagnostics costs 3980 Euro.

Diagnostics centers in Germany

Diagnostics in Rhein-Main Medical Center

Professor Lutz Lehmann MD
Lutz Lehmann MD

Professor Lutz Lehmann MD is a chief medical officer of the clinic.
Patients of the center are offered an individual approach and high-quality medical services: interdisciplinary diagnostics, cardiologic, orthopedic, gynecological and urological check up, complex diagnostics.

Diagnostics at Culminasceum Center of Preventive medicine

Dr. B. Regenbogen
Dr. B. Regenbogen

Dr. B. Regenbogen is a medical director of Culminasceum center. This highly professional specializes in inner medicine, cardiovascular and complex medical diagnostics. Culminasceum center of preventive medicine is a medical facility with highly experienced professionals. Services: clinico-laboratorial tests, complex diagnostics of the locomotor system, skin, ultrasonic heart and vessels diagnostics.

The basic Check-up embraces all the necessary investigations to estimate your health condition. The investigation time (Check-up): 5 hours.

Diagnostics at Friedrichshafen clinical center

Kareev Tesdal
Head of Department:
Prof. Doc. honey. n.
Kareev Tesdal

The diagnostic department of Friedrichshafen Center is headed by Prof. Taare Tesdal, Dr.scient.med. This is a multiprofile diagnostics center that provides services in all areas of medicine, including: the diagnostics of pathologic changes in organs, cardiologic check up, ECG, orthopedic and urologic diagnostics.

Diagnostics at Schwarzwald-Baar Center

Prof. U.Fink
Prof. U.Fink

Prof. U.Fink is a chief medical officer of the center. Equipped by the newest medical technologies the center offers precise diagnostics and treatment in all medical areas: imaging diagnostics, invasive and non-invasive diagnostic methods, etc. It provides the diagnostics of oncologic diseases, vascular disorders, etc.

Diagnostics at Marienhospital clinic of inner medicine

Carl Kristoff Schimanski
Head of Department:
Professor, MD
Carl Kristoff Schimanski

Prof. Schimanski, Dr.scient.med. is a specialist in diagnostics and therapy of inner organs, hepatology, gastroenterology, colonoscopy, endoscopic ultrasonic scan, ECG, stress echocardiography, transesophageal ECG, pulmonary diagnostics, etc.

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Latest News in Diagnostic Investigation

3D full-body scanner in Munich University Hospital


Imaging procedures are not new in medicine. But a three-dimensional model of the body, made from images from 92 cameras, does. Some doctors have high hopes for it, others are skeptical.

Until now, anyone who got a new breast design had to hope that their surgeon would have a good sense of proportion. Even those who had excess fat suctioned off from their thighs could never be entirely sure of the result. That is about to change: In the Munich University Clinic, plastic surgeons will be supported by Germany’s first 3D full-body scanner. Doctors are hoping for a lot from this - not only in cosmetic surgery of all kinds, but also in the fight against skin cancer.

"A complete picture of the body surface is made with a single image, not only of the skin itself, with its lesions and birthmarks, but also of the body volume," explained Riccardo Giunta, Director of Plastic Surgery at the University Clinic. "We can use it to make a 3D model of the face, the chest, the abdomen and also the whole body, and that plays a role in every type of body-shaping procedure in plastic surgery."

Breast reconstructions, for example after cancer-related amputations, are one example. "Up to now, you had to rely on a sense of proportion and a few readings from the tape measure, but this way you actually have an exact volume measurement with a relatively simple procedure," explained Giunta. Thanks to the new technology, the doctors know exactly how much body fat they need for the new breast and how it has to be shaped so that it looks symmetrical afterwards.

The President of the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Lukas Prantl from the Regensburg University Hospital, is therefore quite impressed with the new scanner, of which around ten copies are in use worldwide: "This imaging is very important, it is really a topic of the future. In the next few years, in combination with artificial intelligence, there will be a lot to come, which will make many work steps easier for us. "

Research has been working for a long time on how patients can be optimally captured visually, on the one hand to plan therapies better and, on the other hand, to be able to objectively measure the success afterwards. This is particularly important in plastic surgery with its direct effect on the patient's appearance. "The scanner in Munich is certainly the one that is very new and is also way ahead in terms of what it can do," said Prantl. At the same time, however, with a view to the development in this segment, he restricted: "What we cannot yet fully weigh up is which product is ultimately the best for patients and us doctors and which will prevail."

Surgeons are already working with cameras and three-dimensional models and simulations. According to Prantl, the advantage of the new acquisition of the Munich-based WB360, which costs 250,000 euros, is the objectivity: The patient stands between two futuristically curved structures that are reminiscent of the interior design of spaceships in science fiction films. Hidden in it are 92 high-resolution HD cameras, the recordings of which are added up by the software to form a three-dimensional image of the patient.

"This is certainly a novelty in the complexity of the image," said Konstantin Nikolaou, science coordinator of the German X-ray Society. The detailed recording of the surface of the body, which makes the smallest changes visible, can be used in many ways in medicine.

Nikolaou is convinced: "You will see different categories of this 3D technology, with different applications. This is a broad playground." For example, 3D scanners in radiology could significantly reduce the radiation exposure for both patients and medical staff through a camera-checked and thus extremely precise positioning in the room.

Giunta, who has been working with the new scanner in Munich since September, sees above all dermatology as a beneficiary of the technology. "With the software it is possible to check the entire skin lesions with regard to color irregularities or irregularities of the edge, ie risk factors for malignancy." In contrast to the usual documentation methods, each individual birthmark can be clearly assigned to a specific location on the body - "like on a kind of map".

Nevertheless, the presidium member of the German Dermatological Society, Peter Elsner from the Jena University Hospital, is still skeptical. "Not every new device or procedure is sensible and safe for patients." Scientific studies should now show whether the 3D full-body scanner actually enables an improvement in the early diagnosis of skin cancer. According to the findings of the scientists, however, such has not yet been available. "Until then, a reliable assessment of the potential of the device will not be possible.

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