About MD P. Bull
Dr. Bull is a specialist in surgery in Vienna and has practiced exclusively outpatient procedures since 1994. The practice specializes in endoscopy (gastro- and colonoscopy), proctology and venous surgery. The Sievering Surgical Clinic and the private practice in the Heiligenkreuzerhof, located in the center of the city, are in line with today's trend: precautionary endoscopic examinations and many surgeries today no longer require hospitalization: they can be performed in an outpatient surgical center or a day clinic. Medical care, care and surgical equipment are of the highest standard; It surrounds you with a private atmosphere.
Curriculum Vitae
- 1955 Philippe Gilbert Bull, b. Charny, Quebec, Canada
- 1977-1982 Medical studies at the University of Vienna
- 06.02.1982 Doctoral degree in general medicine
- 06.09.1982 American Nostrification Test (ECFMG)
- 1983-1985 emergency doctor in Vienna
- 01.09.1985 beginning of the specialist training for surgery at the I. Surgical Department, Hospital Vienna Lainz (Prof. Dr. H. Denck)
- 31.05.1991 Recognition as a specialist in surgery
- 19.01.1991 Specialist examination for surgery
- 1991-1996 senior physician at the II. Surgical Department (chairman: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kreuzer) Wilhelminenspital
- 16.09.1997 European specialist examination for vascular surgery
- 1997-2002 senior physician at the surgical department (board: Prof. Dr. Kolb) Protestant Hospital
- 2003-14 Consultant Surgeon Ambulance Haus der Barmherzigkeit Seeböckgasse
- 2004 UK General Medical Council (GMC) Reference Number: 606256
- 2004-2012 Devonshire Street Medical Center, London
- 2005-2014 Zweitordination Medicent Baden
- 2014 Consultant Juvenis Medical
- 2014 Privatordination Heiligenkreuzerhof Vienna