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About MD K. Moser
Moser Medical is the first private medical institution in Vienna / Austria which chose to specialize in hair transplantation. Baldness is a rather wide-spread pathology causing, most of all, psychological problems. Today this issue can be solved quickly, safely and effectively by experts of the clinic which was founded by Dr. Karl Moser, a well-known specialist in the field of esthetic surgery, and his wife Claudia.
Today Moser Medical is a leading clinic in this field not only in Germany but worldwide. The clinic’s specialists have performed more than 25 000 successful hair transplantation surgeries for patients from all over the world. The staff has originally set a goal: to use only minimally traumatic methods combined with advanced technologies and state-of-the-art equipment.
In 2005 hair transplantation clinic Moser Medical won the most prestigious award in the field of hair surgery - "Platinum Follicle" for achievements in esthetic medicine.
The hair transplantation has its own laboratory where doctors do their scientific and technological research in the field of fighting hair loss, speeding up hair growth and restoring skin after the surgery.
Beiersdorf, famous cosmetics manufacturer and owner of such brands as Eurocerin and Nivea, has highly appreciated research activites of Moser Medical and became a patron of the clinic’s laboratory.
Today 35 specialists work in the clinic under the supervision of Dr. Jorg Hugeneck, a highly competent authority in the field of surgery with almost 40 years of experience. With him as the head of the clinic, Moser Medical has achieved great results – 100% successful procedures. That said, people with average income can afford sugh high-quality services – the cost is not exorbitant.
The clinic is also proud of such practitioners in the field of visceral surgery and esthetic medicine as Markus Horacek, Karl Stiefsohn, Daniel Wallstein and experienced medical assistants. Patients from the other countries are provided with consultants speaking their native language.
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