MD M. Strässle
Diagnostic Center

MD M. Strässle

Main Focus

    • clinical research including arterial pressure and Body Mass Index
    • Complete blood count, liver tests, kidney functioning, evaluation of uric acid level, blood lipids
    • Testing of lung volume and functioning
    • ECG (with and without stress)
    • MRI, CT, X-ray diagnosis
    • Arterial pressure monitoring
    • Cardiac stress test
    • Ultrasound diagnosis of the abdomen (liver, gall sac, pancreatic gland, lien, aorta, kidneys, bladder and prostate gland)
    • Diagnosis of heart and vessel systems


Törringstraße 6
81675 Munich
Nearest airport: Munich

About MD M. Strässle

Holistic check-up

Each ex­am­i­na­tion starts with an in-depth, un­in­ter­rupted con­ver­sa­tion, in which we dis­cuss your health con­di­tion, your pa­tient his­tory (anam­ne­sis) and pos­si­ble ge­netic risks in your fam­ily in de­tail. Also your pro­fes­sional, so­cial and psy­cho­log­i­cal sit­u­a­tion plays an im­por­tant role dur­ing the holis­tic as­sess­ment of your state of health.

Two days for your health

Whichever ex­am­i­na­tions you are tak­ing: All col­leagues are lead­ing spe­cial­ists in their field. Since all ex­am­i­na­tions take place in our house, we gain time for you. One of our com­plete check-ups does not take any longer than one or two days.

Individual prevention program

As soon as the test re­sults (usu­ally on one of the fol­low­ing days) are avail­able, I will have a de­tailed final dis­cus­sion with you if you wish. In this, we dis­cuss your in­di­vid­ual pre­ven­tion pro­gram and an­swer all of your ques­tions.

The extended check-up: Comprehensive diagnosis & prevention

Our prevention program is as effective as it is reliable: Within one to two days, we can obtain a complete, meaningful picture of your state of health. It starts with an in-depth conversation on your life-style and your health history. Then we examine you with the most modern imaging procedures such as CT and MRI, PET, X-rays and ultrasound. Gastro- and colonoscopies, lung function tests, blood vessel diagnostics and laboratory analyses complement the picture. The novel procedure of the genetic check-up additionally points out possible genetic risks in your family.

Owing to the knowledge thus gathered, we can prepare an individual prevention program for you - and thereby lower your risk for a stroke, heart attack or a cancer lastingly and reliably.

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