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About Ph.D. P. Hoffmann
Our vocation is to help people who want to harmonize their appearance with inner beauty, whether the cause is a hereditary external defect, acquired flaws or other physical deviations (for example, due to an accident or illness). With sympathy and understanding, we are ready to help you, explain the possibilities and alternatives of treatment in detail and take care of you delicately.
Our private clinic of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery has been around for more than 20 years. So you can be sure that you will be treated by a superbly trained and very experienced team.
This includes treatment procedures for the whole body. With the help of liposuction, an abdominal wall lift, braces of the shoulders and braces of the thighs or plastics of the buttocks, we contribute to the harmonization of your figure. Also, if you suffer from a lipedema, we know what to do in this case. And with the help of lipofilling (treatment with our own fat tissues), we can give new parts to your body parts and thereby pleasantly improve body proportions.
Many women dream to change the size and shape of their breasts. Perhaps they suffer from the fact that their breasts due to heredity are too weakly expressed, because of pregnancy, they lost volumes or fabrics of otryabli. Sometimes it takes a little courage to discuss the desire for change with an experienced plastic surgeon. However, the step to competent advice pays off and greatly helps to improve your well-being.
Good news! Plastic surgery on the chest is one of the main areas of work of our private clinic. For women with a small breast size, we help to feel more comfortable with high-quality implants or your own fat tissue. At asymmetry or in case of loss of a breast because of illness we help to leave such difficult position also by means of implants. In the case of a sagging breasts that develop due to pregnancy or weight loss, we can help with lifting or breast reduction. This is also suitable for visually ugly nipple changes, such as elongated nipples or retracted.
Not only women suffer from breast changes, but also sometimes men. Due to certain effects, a man can develop a womanlike looking breast. This phenomenon is called gynecomastia. It can be accompanied by pains or a pressing feeling and strongly oppress men physically and cause inconveniences in public life. This so-called male breast can be carefully removed.
Not for nothing they say that "a person is a mirror of our soul". But it does not always depend on us how visually changes and what our face is. For example, bags under the eyes in most cases are inherited and make us older and more tired in appearance than we really are. So it's not surprising that more and more people are tempted to look so young and in good shape as they feel. Also, the shape of the nose, ears or the condition of our skin derive most often from our predisposition, and not from our way of life.
However, even in this case there is good news. There is no area on the face that we can not improve or rejuvenate with the help of plastic and aesthetic treatments. So, for example, we can use the eyelid lift to remove hanging eyelids or bags under the eyes, use earplugs to correct the protruding ears, use different lifting methods to tighten sagging tissues, and use wrinkles to minimize wrinkles.
Another area of our clinic's work is the theme "Hair". Beginning in 1995, our clinic belongs to the most famous and favorite places for hair transplantation in Munich, as well as all over the world. Along with hair transplantation, we also perform surgical treatment of the scalp and assist in the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss. However, not only too little, but also too much hair can interfere. Therefore, with the help of the most modern laser, we remove unwanted hair on the face (beard in women), on the chest, back, legs or in the intimate zone.
Of course, we are ready to help you if your skin, regardless of whether it is wrinkles or age-related phenomena, brings problems and worries to you. We offer a wide range of medical procedures, starting with the treatment of moles, ending with skin cancer and treating scars, and we are treating hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). In addition, we will help you to reduce stretch marks after pregnancy, pigment spots or cellulite.
If you have any questions, contact us or visit our private clinic for plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery in Munich or in Gstadt am Chiemsee.
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