Male Diseases and Infertility

It is possible to treat male diseases either conservatively, or using ART (assisted reproductive technologies). If a couple should have IVF (in vitro fertilisation) performed it is advised to opt for German, Swiss or Austrian clinics. In these counties it is possible to achieve the maximum efficiency of IVF thanks to their high technological development. The statistical data from the German Association of Reproductive Health (DRG) for 2013 shows that the average pregnancy rate with IVF in Germany is about 45-70% (the research was done without regard to the age of the partners).

Diagnostic and treatment of male infertility abroad has a variety of undeniable advantages. Our patients note the following:

Thanks to the high quality equipment and expertise German and Austrian reproductive centers are able to help the most couples solve the infertility problem. The head of the world famous Austrian center of reproductive medicine (in Bregenz) Professor Herbert Zech claims: "The most widespread reason for male infertility is a hormonal profile pathology. Genetic pathologies occur only in 12% of all men. In 95% of all cases of male infertility the pathology can be cured".

Later on we will list the most common male diseases that, in German reproductologists' opinion, lead to the dysfunction of generative organs and as a result to male infertility.

Usefull Information About Male Diseases and Infertility

As a rule infertility in men arises because of the pathology in pituitary gland hormones:

  • FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)
  • LH (luteinizing hormone)

The increased or decreased levels of these hormones adversely affect the fertility. Testosterone produced in testicles can also be to "blame" for one or another pathology. The decrease in this hormone can lead to the reduction of sperm quality and other male diseases.

Hypoprolactenemia is a widespread reason for male infertility that is characterized by a disruption of prolactin secretion. Prolactin is a hormone that is responsible for normal functioning of testicles, as well as creation and mobility of spermatozoa.

What should you do: The methods used to treat endocrine infertility are mostly conservative. If "male factor" of infertility is suspected one should have blood tested on prolactin, testosterone, LH, FSH and some other hormones. Nowadays the most modern, highly effective, and safe medicinal products are used in Germany. Hormonal replacement therapy restores reproductive function in 80-90% of men suffering from infertility on the background of a hormonal disorder.

About 2000 genes are responsible for normal male reproductive functioning. The genes control spermacytogenesis and directly influence the quality of sperm. A mutation in these genes may lead to fertility disorders in otherwise normal physiological characteristics.

What should you do: Take heart even if genetic problems are to blame in the infertility. All treatment methods of genetic infertility come down to the use of different assisted reproductive technologies. In the last five years German reproductology specialists have perfected the IMSI method. During the IMSI a sperm cell is inserted into the ovum's cytoplasm using an extremely thin needle. The IMSI method allows doctors to choose the most viable sperm cells in advance with the help of the most powerful optical devices.

In order to prevent the risk of transmitting genetic deviations to the offsprings a pre-implantation genetic screening is performed in Germany. The examination allows specialists to perform the diagnostics of the whole set of embryo's chromosomes and exclude gene pathologies. Thanks to this type of diagnostics only healthy embryos will be inserted into the uterine cavity.

Even in the so called "difficult cased" (when the man's spermogram has unsatisfying results) the desired pregnancy can be achieved from the first try of IVF in 45% of cases. The decisive factor when performing an IVF is obtaining "healthy" sperm. The sperm cells should be movable and possess normal morphological characteristics. Unfortunately the quality of sperm in the ejaculate does not always meet the norms. In this case German physicians use minimally invasive methods of deep aspiration:

  • PESA – percutaneous sperm aspiration from an epididymis.
  • TESA – percutaneous sperm aspiration from testicle tissue.
  • MESE – open biopsy of epididymis and extraction of viable sperm cells.

Thanks to these painless methods in most cases it is possible to obtain the sperm that is suitable for the subsequent in vitro fertilization even in such male diseases as

  • azoospermia (a disease in which there are no movable sperm cells in ejaculate)
  • oligospermia (low percentage of movable sperm cells)
  • cryptosospermia (morphological pathologies of sperm)

The diagnosed infertility does not mean that one should forget about the will to have a child. The earlier the couples that are confronted with this diagnosis resort to assistance of a reproduction center the higher their chances for a successful pregnancy. If domestic specialists are at a loss and are not able to help we can choose a reliable European clinic to perform a diagnostics and treatment of male diseases and infertility.

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