Fixed teeth in just one day

20.11.2018 14:43:24

Dentures today have little to do with the dentition of the past. In some cases, dental implants can even be treated within 24 hours. When is an immediate supply possible?

The solid dental implant within a day, is this possible? A large part of the Germans they concern: the so-called "Third teeth". Regardless of how well you clean and use dental floss, in many cases they will eventually be needed. Often the third party, when it comes to implants, associated with a longer healing phase. Not so the new method, which is now used in the right circumstances in the dental clinic Saarland and allows immediate restoration of implants.

Typically, a dental implant is a denture that is anchored in the bone much like a real tooth. For this, a hole must first be drilled in the jawbone. The implant is inserted and must heal. During the healing process, the implant should not be fully loaded as it could be lost.

If you want to achieve an immediate restoration on implants, they must be selected by the length or the number so that an overload can be excluded. In this new method, which results in solid teeth in only one day, e.g. at least four implants per edentulous jaw. The prepared teeth are then adjusted within a day and screwed rigidly to the implants.

Fixed teeth in just one day with Immediate Implants are virtually possible for every patient who has a sufficiently stable jaw. It's best to talk to your doctor at the Dental Clinic.

Immediate restoration of implants should be considered by anyone who wishes to have fixed teeth in just one day. The people who do not want to miss a day of everyday life, but want to get back into life immediately with new, healthy, beautiful teeth. The dental clinic Saarland now offers the possibility for fixed teeth in just one day. She is the perfect clinic to take care of immediate implants.

Three specialists are available for you, plus several teams in various fields, so that you can experience the best care and advice, whether at the reception, in the surgery or surgery. The dental clinic Saarland has the proven highest possible quality standards, so this clinic is the perfect place for you to get fixed teeth in just one day.

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