About MD T. Bartels
The Clinic of orthopedics and sports surgery in Saale puts patients’ health on pedestal, because there’s nothing more important than that. After revealing orthopedic or surgical diseases we strive to restore patients’ functionality and life quality. We use new methods and techniques of treatment, full diagnostics (including traditional), surgical and rehabilitation (physical) therapies.
Our team consists of 7 highly qualified specialists in the fields of traumatology, rheumatology, arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopedic sports medicine together with attentive and competent nurses. All of our doctors have prominent medical education and years of experience
We deal with a large spectrum of various conditions and diseases, including:
- Syndrome of narrowing in shoulder joint. When it causes permanent pain, patients ask for our help, and we figure out various treatment options. If conservative treatment (injections and medications) and physical therapy do not make much difference, we resolve to surgical measures. As a rule, we use arthroscopy to eliminate the defect and establish decompression of the joint.
- Tearing of rotatory ferrule. It’s typical of people in their 40s or 50s, especially if their work required elevating arms. Sometimes damage of ligaments precedes this condition, while in rare cases, the rotatory ferrule tears for no reason. First and foremost, we provide physical therapy and medications to relieve the symptoms and pain. Decompression also helps to restore normal activity in patient, and, if necessary, we perform the operation using anchor fixators made of titanium and self-dissolving materials to put the ferrule on its place.
- Endoprosthetics of hip joint in case of injury and wearing. Our doctors use state-of-art implants to restore normal movement and walking ability. The clinic provides both minimally invasive and open type of operations in this case.
- Damage of knee joint. We deal with pretty complicated and challenging issues and do such operations as front and end crucial ligament fixation, treatment of knee-cap and surgery on meniscus.
- Endoprosthetics of elbow joint. Our clinic is ready to help patients from all over the world, no matter what they age are. With our doctors you’re in safe hands!