1978-1986 Medical degree, Philipps University, Marburg
26.08.1980 Preliminary Medical Examinations
25.03.1982 First stage of medical examinations
22.03.1985 Second stage of medical examinations
23.04.1986 Third stage of medical examinations
1979-1988 Degree in Psychology, Philipps University, Marburg
18.03.1983 Preliminary diploma examinations for psychologists
1983-1988 Training in elective specialty of "Clinical psychology"
28.11.1988 Main diploma examinations for psychologists
06.06.1986 Medical licence awarded
1986–1989 Research assistant at Centre for Internal Medicine, Philipps University, Marburg, Department of Internal Medicine with research focus on digestive and metabolic diseases (Director: Prof. R. Arnold)
1988–1991 Visiting research fellow at University of California, Los Angeles, USA, Department of Medicine, CURE, VA Wadworth Medical Center and Brain Research Institute (Prof. Dr. Y. Taché), grant awarded by German Research Association
1991–1999 Research assistant, Centre for Internal Medicine, Philipps University, Marburg, Department of Internal Medicine with research focus on gastroenterology, metabolic diseases and endocrinology
1992–1999 Joint leader of Working Group on Neurogastroenterology at the Centre for Internal Medicine, Philipps University in Marburg
10/1993 Licence to practise as a psychotherapist
07/1996 Awarded title Certified Specialist in Internal Medicine
1991–1996 Training in deep psychological psychotherapy and psychoanalytic supervision (Prof. M. Pohlen) at the Psychotherapy Further Training Institute based at the Clinical Centre, Philipps University, Marburg
1994–1998 Interdisciplinary psychotherapeutic training at the Psychotherapy Further Training Institute (Psychomatics-Psychiatry), Marburg/Giessen/Kassel
04/1997 Additional qualification in psychotherapy
03/2000 Additional specialist qualification in gastroenterology
Since 09/1999 Consultant at the Medical Clinic specialising in Hepatology and Gastroenterology & Interdisciplinary Metabolic Centre at Charité University Centre, Medical Faculty of Humboldt University and the Free University, Berlin (Director Prof. B. Wiedenmann)
Since 11/2005 Senior consultant in the Medical Clinic specialising in Hepatology and Gastroenterology & Interdisciplinary Metabolic Centre at Charité University Clinic, Medical Faculty of Humboldt University and the Free University, Berlin (Director Prof. Dr. B. Wiedenmann)
Since 10/2009 Additional specialist qualification in diabetology
Membership of Professional Associations
German Society for Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Federal Association of German Internists
German Society for Internal Medicine
German Society for Neurogastroenterology and Motility
German Society for Behavioural Medicine and Behaviour Modification
German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases
European Neuropeptide Club
European Association of Behaviour Therapy
Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Berlin and Brandenburg
International Functional Brain Gut Research Association
International Society of Behavioural Medicine
Society for Neuroscience
American Gastroenterological Association
June 1990 Travel Award for Outstanding Research - Glaxo Inc. Research Triangle Park, USA
1999 Member of "Gastric" abstract selection committee of the German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS)
Since 1999 Member of "Motility" abstract selection committee of the German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS)
1999–2001 Chair of the German Society for Neurogastroenterology and Motility
June 2003 Member of the "Multinational Working Team to Develop Criteria for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders"
Since 2004 Chair of the Gastroenterology section of the German Society for Behavioural Medicine and Behaviour Modification
September 2005 1st Research Prize awarded by German Foundation for Neurogastroenterology
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